Having a snack drawer in our house has been a game changer for me. It has been a huge help! My kids can easily open the cabinet, slide out the drawer and get a snack, all without my help. This not only helps me, but it also helps them to become a little more independent.
I made the drawer super kid friendly. I even went so far is to pre-package pretzels and goldfish crackers. This makes packing lunches easier. Also, when I take the kids on all day trips, I pack them a snack bag. Having this drawer makes it easy for me to throw some things into their snack bag and run out the door.
I also make bento lunches for the kids. My first grader especially likes when I do this because they are just fun. I actually made a bento drawer so I could easily make their lunches. I have fun coming up with different ideas and its always a surprise to my kids when they open their lunch box.
Here is a list of the supplies I use:
- Apple cookie cutter
- cookie cutters (for cheese and meat)
- FunBites Shape Food Cutter
- Food Picks – Apples and Snowman
- Mini Alphabet Cutters
- Assorted Silicon Cups
- Food Markers
I organized a cabinet to keep all of the lunch boxes in. There are so many different types and styles to choose from. I found these work best for me.
This is a bento lunch I made for my daughter on the first day of school. How fun is this?! For the pencil I used a cheese stick. I then used a bugle chip for the top and used a raisin for this tip. For the eraser I used piece of a Krabby Patty candy. You could also use a pink Starburst. So easy to do and perfect for a school day. 🙂
Having a snack/lunch station drawer and a bento drawer is a must for me. I can’t tell you how much this is made my life a little easier. So do yourself a favor and create a snack drawer. You will thank me later. 🙂
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